Gabriel Urbina
November 2021 EXTRA Episode

Producer John Badger interviews Gabriel Urbina about favorite roles in production, geek out about books, and we learn a secret talent of Gabriel's.

Follow Gabriel Urbina:

Twitter: @GabrielUrbinaTM


Justin McLachlan
October 2021 EXTRA Episode

Producer John Badger interviews Justin McLachlan, discussing the intricacies of creating Eos 10 and other endeavors.

Follow Justin McLachlan:

Twitter: @justinmclachlan

Episode: EXTRA

the Vanishing Act
September 2021 EXTRA Episode

Producer John Badger interviews the Producers Lauren Grace Thompson and Ian Geers from the Vanishing Act. Discussions ranged from their Actors to Duck Amuck.

Follow the Vanishing Act:


Twitter: @vanishingpod

Facebook: @vanishingpod

Instagram: @vanishingpod

Travis Vengroff
August 2021 EXTRA Episode

Travis Vengroff and John discuss audio design, and to what lengths Travis will go to for that perfect sound. Name drops occur, because why not?

Follow Travis Vengroff

Twitter: VenTravis


Episode: EXTRA

Morgan Blackwell
July 2021 EXTRA Episode

Morgan Blackwell is a senior majoring in Theatre Performance. She plays Taylor in The Frozen Phoenix and this is her first time starring in a voice acting role. She also produces and stars in Live or Die: A DnD Podcast, which is an actual play podcast which can be found on any podcasting site. She was so excited to work with this talented group of voice actors and would like to thank John for awarding her this wonderful opportunity.

Follow Morgan

Twitter: SinonLife

Instagram: sinonlife

Live or Die Podcast

Episode: Frozen Phoenix, Volstead Action, EXTRA

cast of the Call of the Void
June 2021 EXTRA Episode

Teaser for our upcoming June 28th episode Volstead Action, as well as John's interview with the producers and voice actors of the Call of the Void podcast. Discussing their relationship, and how they came up with the idea of their podcast, as well as the differences between seasons one and two.

Follow the Call of the Void

Twitter: CallOfTheVoidP

Facebook: Call of the Void Podcast


Episode: EXTRA

KC Wayland
May 2021 EXTRA Episode

Creator of the Audio Drama We're Alive, as well as directing and producing a myriad of other audio dramas, including Bronzeville, and a few upcoming series.

Follow KC Wayland

Twitter: WaylandProd

Facebook: KC Wayland


Episode: EXTRA

Bryn Curry
April 2021 EXTRA Episode

Bryn Curry is a Salt Lake City based artist, who enjoys anything creative she can get her hands on. She currently works at Evermore Park, which she loves to death. She also tries to voice act whenever she can. You can follow her on Instagram: @strongfemalenerd.

Follow Bryn:
Instagram: strongfemalenerd

Episode: Captain Fearless, [FEATURED], the Lost Control, Room 707

Stargate Pioneer
March 2021 EXTRA Episode

Stargate Pioneer, or "SP" as he likes to be called, is a Science Fiction and Space aficionado, comic book universe fan, amateur drone pilot-adventurer, and hobby podcast mentor and advocate. Inspired by early television scifi and NASA missions SP strove from his early teens to work in the space industry and ultimately earned an advanced degree in Astronautical Engineering. Having achieved career success in Aerospace for decades SP became enamored with early podcasting after receiving an original iPod Nano as a gift. SP enjoyed the commercial free niche content that you could not find anywhere else at the time including Satellite Radio. SP finally caught the podcasting bug on New Years Eve of 2010 and hasn’t looked back since having created three podcasts, taken over producing two additional shows, and cohosting another. He applied his professional training to the craft, absolutely enjoyed everything about podcasting, and put himself to task to learn as much as he could about podcasting from the production side to hosting to hardware to content creation. Five years into podcasting SP noted a gap in the podcasting space for the next generation of new hobby podcasters and with his cohort Stephen Jondrew decided to start Better Podcasting to help all hobby podcasters learn more about the pod-space and how it related to them as well as teach them to be better podcasters. Now six years into the Better Podcasting venture SP looks forward to Better Podcasting each week where live viewers and time delayed listeners interact to form a community around the show thirsty for knowledge about how to hone the art of podcasting themselves and to share their podcasting lessons with the Better Podcasting audience along the way. SP currently hosts and produces the weekly Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Better Podcasting as well as cohosts the Show. In his non-podcasting free time SP enjoys drone flying, working out, fixing cars, spending time with family and relishing time at the lake. He looks forward to continuing podcasting and any new opportunity surrounding podcasting.

Follow Stargate Pioneer:
Instagram: stargatepioneer
Twitter: @StargatePioneer

Episodes: [Featured], Frozen Phoenix

George Walkington
February 2021 EXTRA Episode

George Walkington is currently studying for an undergraduate degree in Psychology in the UK. After being used to performing on the stage for her community theatre, working with Mercury Theatre Podcasts is one of her first voice acting projects. She hopes to continue voice acting as a hobby and is excited to work on more projects in the future!

Follow George:
Instagram: georgina_walkington
Facebook: Georgina Walkington

Episodes: Nikki Sketch and the Big Top Bears, War for December, DEN, Captain Fearless, [Featured]

George walkington headshot
angelo headshot

Angelo Cruz
January 2021 EXTRA Episode

Hi! My name is Angelo Cruz, I'm currently a sophomore undergraduate student majoring in Sequential Art. I just started voice acting this past year but I've gotten plenty of amazing opportunities, including voice roles for Mercury Theatre Podcast, Mirror Studio, Everest Productions, and various fan projects! I love voice acting and I hope to expand my career as I continue to grow as an actor.

Follow Angelo:
Twitter: YHedgehogsFly
Instagram: yhedgehogsfly

Episodes: War for December, DEN, [Featured], Captain Fearless

Paige Alena
December 2020 EXTRA episode

Paige Alena is an LA-based actor, writer, comedian, and singer. She's originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, but moved to New York to study at Marymount Manhattan College in 2016. After graduating with a BFA in Acting in May 2020, she moved to Los Angeles to start her career. Paige loves to create joy through her art and has a passion for making people laugh. She's a Leo, her favorite Arizona iced tea flavor is lemon, and she owns at least one mug with her own Tweet on it, but please don't hold that against her.

Follow Paige:
Twitter: ItsPaigeAlena
Instagram: ItsPaigeAlena
YouTube: ItsPaigeAlena

Episodes: Nikki Sketch and the Big Top Bears, War for December, [FEATURED], DEN, Captain Fearless

paige headshot
leonid headshot

Leonid Lawrence
November 2020 EXTRA Episode

Leonid Lawrence is a recent graduate of Rutgers University’s Mason Gross School of the Arts, earning a Bachelors of Music. Aside from his recent venture into voice acting he is a working musician and actor. Some of his recent stage roles include Judge Turpin (Sweeney Todd), Capulet (Romeo and Juliet), Mr. Mushnik (Little Shop of Horrors), and Bruce Bechdel (Fun Home).

Follow Leo:
Twitter: brutesquadbard
Instagram: thebrutesquadbard

Episodes: Nikki Sketch and the Big Top Bears, Roll Players,[FEATURED], War for December, DEN, Captain Fearless